Our pharmacy operates in a multi-generational culture where knowledge is passed on by senior members of our team. We also leverage the newest equipment in the compounding industry.

Unguator mixing machine replaces the manual mortar and pestle and offer consistent results over and over. We utilize unguator mixing machines for compound in our lab to arrive to a homoginous compound. In other words, now that our process is semi-automated, your patient is guaranteed to receive the same high quality mixture or compound every time they receive a refill. This result is hard to achieve when mixing by hand.
We have multiple Unguator Machines to eliminate any cross contamination between any two compounds and speed up the preparation of your patient’s compound.

Mill Machine
To ensure maximum absorption of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) and optimum therapy result we use mill machine for topical applications. Ointment and cream mill machine decreases particle size of API powders. This ensures proper size of powder particles within our creams and result in optimal absorption and bio-availability for your patients.
Capsule Filling Machine
Our lab is capable of making any prescribed capsules with specific ingredients. This will allow your patient to avoid certain fillers or get access to certain medications that are not available commercially e.g. Phenazopyridine (same ingredient as Pyridium®) or Clomiphen (same ingredient as Clomid®)
We utilize multiple capsule machines to eliminate any cross contamination and speed up the preparation of your patients’ prescriptions. This also give us the flexibility of making a variety of capsule size as per the patient and prescriber preference.

Our Compounding Pharmacist use state of the art analytical scale of 0.001g precision to ensure every compound goes through meticulous process of measurement, accuracy, quality assurance, and consistency.
We conduct constant quality assurance checks and calibration to ensure safety and effectiveness of our compounds.
Our Lab utilizes an electronic PH meter to check the acidity of compounds and ensure appropriateness for the specific route of administration intended for. Note if PH is not suitable for the route of administration, medications might not be absorbed properly despite other proper steps taken. Our Compounding Pharmacist will ensure this step is not missed.
Our compounding technicians use disposable spatulas to pour chemicals and ingredients in order to eliminate any cross contamination.

We dispense most of our compounds in airless pumps to eliminate oxidation of the final product and prolong the use of our creams, lotions, ointments or liquid compounds. Our pumps are also metered dose for accuracy of measurement.
As a prescriber, you have the piece of mind that your patients are in good hands!
The Compounding
Specialty Pharmacy
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2157 Royal Windsor Dr.
Mississauga, ON L5J 1K5